Yoga For You!

Meditation and gentle movement are key components of the TM Weekend. Gentle yoga and comfortably paced walking help integrate the benefits from our extra meditations and stabilize them in activity.

For the smoothest experience on the Weekend, please learn how to practice Maharishi Yoga Asanas or our version of Standing or Chair Yoga before coming to the TM Weekend. See details below.

Live, interactive Standing or Chair Yoga classes with our expert, Karen Wheeler:

January 23, 7:00pm or January 26, 5:00pm

Zoom link:

Let us know if you will be attending by filling out the form below or write to

Q: What are the Maharishi Yoga exercises?

Maharishi Yoga Asanas are practiced easily, without straining and just to the best of your ability. These easy, natural postures help culture mind-body coordination and integration, greater flexibility, and strength. The practice of Maharishi Yoga Asanas also helps remove physical stresses and improve health overall. In the context of the Retreat, they complement your TM practice and contribute to a more settled and balanced state of mind and body.

The routine also includes pranayama, a simple breathing technique that settles the body and mind, contributing to a smoother, more refined experience during TM practice.

You”ll practice this on your own in your room or with a group on the Retreat. Chair yoga is available for those who don’t feel comfortable on the floor.

All course participants should learn the Maharishi Yoga Asanas prior to arrival. Additional instruction will be included on the Retreat, but you will gain the most value by getting familiar with them prior to the course. See the links below for a video tutorial and for free online classes.

Q: How can I join the live classes for Maharishi Yoga?

Maharishi Yoga Asanas live classes are offered via Zoom every Friday, 5pm ET and Sunday, 11am ET. Register one time at: You’ll find the zoom link there also. The classes are live streamed on Youtube, no login required: You’ll find some recordings at this link also.

You can also join directly from the TM App ->EVENTS -> Group Instruction and Practice of Maharishi Yoga..

Pull out your yoga mat or put a blanket on the floor and follow along!

Q: How can I watch video tutorials for Maharishi Yoga?

You’ll find Maharishi Yoga Asanas video tutorials at this link: Try it yourself as you are guided through the steps.

Also, you can learn with videos, through the TM App -> LEARN -> Intro to the Maharishi Yoga Asanas

Don’t have the App yet?

Q: How can I download the handout for Maharishi Yoga?

Click the button below. You’ll also find Maharishi Yoga Asanas handout at this link: Feel free to download it and print it out. We’ll have some available on the TM Weekend too.

Q: What are the details for the Standing/Chair Yoga live classes?

Karen Wheeler is a Certified TM Teacher, a 500-hour Yoga Alliance Instructor and a Maharishi Yoga Asana Instructor. She will be at the Retreat offering guided group meditation and yoga. In advance of the TM Weekend, she is offering two live Chair Yoga for Everyone classes via Zoom. These are super easy and gentle! To follow along, you can stand or pull up a straight back chair to participate in one of these interactive classes. Let her know you’re planning to attend:

Thursday, January 23, 7pm

Sunday, January 26, 5pm

Zoom link for both classes:

Q: Can I maintain my daily exercise routine on the Weekend?

The TM Weekend program is designed to provide a balance of deep rest and rejuvenation for the body and increased, lively awareness for the mind. Rigorous exercise should be avoided for these few days. You’ll get plenty of gentle exercise within the routine. In addition to the Maharishi Yoga Asanas or chair yoga, walking around the beautiful grounds is highly encouraged.