Resources for TM Meditators
and TM Sidhas
Please enjoy these resources for knowledge, personal development, health and well-being. Have more questions? Let us know by filling out the form at our Contact Us page.
Daily group meditation
Many find the best way to stay regular with their TM practice is to join the daily group meditations offered by Bob Roth. TM Connect meditation sessions are offered every morning and evening. Connect online (audio only) or by phone, and meditate with a large group, no reservations are needed. Bob Roth leads the meditation and offers a few important reminders and ends with an uplifting message. Visit for more information and the schedule of replays. You can also connect through the Events tab on the TM App.
Live connection:
Weekday mornings: 7:00am
Weekend mornings: 8:30am
Every evening: 6:00pm
TM for Women group meditation
Come and meet other women from all over North and Central America who enjoy meditating together and contributing to world coherence. Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday evening, online.
5:55pm ET – Join the call
6:05pm – 20 minutes TM
6:30-7:30pm Knowledge meeting (optional)
To join: register with Sarah Sica at or via the TM app.
Daily group program for Sidhas
“This knowledge alone will save the world. If you knew how important it was, you would do nothing else.”
—Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
For maximum Super-Radiance effect for yourself and the world, please join the
Easy check-in, daily totals, Video Gallery, and more.
Daily lift-off at 8:15 am and 5:45 pm CT, (one hour later for Eastern time)
If you need assistance, contact: .
If you cannot join the Virtual Dome at these times, please join to synchronize with the largest group program at your convenience. Visit the FAQ page for more information.
Cosmic Café – an interactive forum - every Thursday evening
Join us every Thursday evening for a group meditation, knowledge and interactive forum. 7:30pm ET, 6:30pm CT. See our page for more details and sign up to get the login link.
Maharishi yoga asanas, daily routine
Maharishi Yoga Asanas are practiced easily, without straining and just to the best of your ability. These easy, natural postures help culture mind-body coordination and integration, greater flexibility, and strength. The practice of Maharishi Yoga Asanas also helps remove physical stresses and improve health overall. In the daily life, they complement your TM practice and contribute to a more settled and balanced state of mind and body.
The routine also includes pranayama, a simple breathing technique that settles the body and mind, contributing to a smoother, more refined experience during TM practice.
Try incorporating yoga and pranyama once a day to start, or on weekends or your day off. Gradually add in more as time permits. Remember – slow is best.
Learn more about Maharishi Yoga and watch a video tutorial at this link
Attend a free online class offered every Friday evening and every Sunday morning at this link
TM Advanced Techniques
Learn more about instruction in TM Advanced Techniques at this page:
Maharishi AyurVeda Consultations
Learn more about how to schedule a personal consultation in Florida at this page:
TM Facebook groups
Looking for some TM community in addition to your local TM Center? You are welcome to join any of these groups. They are private, so you’ll need to sign in first.
1. Our Florida TM Retreats group –
2. Facebook group –
3. TM-Friends –
Online Retreats and WPAs
Check for One-Day online Retreats and WPAs. If you are willing to travel, a few in-person courses are starting to be offered around the country.
Our colleagues Gail and Richard Dalby of the New Haven, Connecticut TM Center offer online Retreats and WPAs every month. Visit their webpage for the schedule:
Recommended online courses
Maharishi International University offers a wide variety of online courses for free or at a very reasonable rate:
Popular courses on Maharishi AyurVeda: “Introduction to Maharishi AyurVeda” or “Cooking for Perfect Health”. Get started with “Higher States of Consciousness” with Professor Gerry Geer or dive into the more advanced, brand new course “Emergence of the Veda” with very popular Dr. Peter Warburton.
EnjoyTM, EnjoyTM News and events
A great resource for everyone who practices TM:
If you’re not already on the emailing list, subscribe to the free ezine EnjoyTM News:
Keep up with the latest events at
Recommended websites
TM information for you, including events, advanced programs and more:
TM information for your friends and family:
Recent research on TM and nurses:
TM for women:
Maharishi Technologies of Consciousness:
Dr. Tony Nader, videos, classes, podcasts and more:
Videos of Dr. Tony Nader:
Videos of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:
Maharishi International University:
The charitable organization, helping at-risk communities and health providers to learn TM, videos, stories and more:
Premier Maharishi AyurVeda Health Center:
Maharishi AyurVeda products, articles, videos, dosha quiz:
Recommended books
“Consciousness is All There Is” by Tony Nader, M.D., Ph.D., MARR
“The Supreme Awakening” by Craig Pearson, Ph.D.
“Super Mind” by Norman Rosenthal, MD
“Living in Balance with Maharishi AyurVeda: Practical Therapies for Consciousness-Based Health” by Keith Wallace, Ph.D., Karin Pirc, M.D., Julia Clarke, MS
“Maharishi’s Yoga – The Royal Path to Enlightenment” by William F. Sands, Ph.D.
“Everything is Made of Vedic Sound” by William F. Sands, Ph.D.
“Consciousness and the Quantum” by Robert Oates, Jr.
Recommended apps
The TM App
This wonderful, free App is available to everyone who learned TM and is in our national database. Once your TM training has been verified, you’ll receive an emailed invitation to open the App. It has a timer, videos, articles, helpful tips, personal stories and an event calendar. It is constantly updated and an invaluable resource! To download the App:
General information:
The Maharishi Veda app
Ghandarva music and more. The $3.99 monthly fee supports the group of Vedic Pandits in India. This dedicated group practices TM and the TM-Sidhi program together daily and they chant specific, ancient sounds from the Vedic tradition to produce peace and harmony throughout the world. Try a free trial:
Find the TM Teacher or TM Center nearest to you
Not sure who your local TM Teacher is? Take a look at our national map!